Sunday, 21 September 2008

The connection between the Ruthwell Cross and Britain's first fossil find.

The Connection between the Ruthwell Cross and Britain's first fossil find.

Here we can see the distinct footprint of a dinosaur. This is the first one to be found in the British Isles. It was found in a quarry at Lochmaben in SW Scotland. This footprint can be seen at the Museum of the Royal Society in Edinburgh.

So what is the connection with this footprint and the Ruthwell Cross?

Well, the extremely talented Rev. Henry Duncan was the man who discovered and identified it. After his discovery Henry Duncan presented a paper to the Royal Society in Edinburgh.

It is somehow appropriate that Scotland was the first country to set in place a Fossil Code, which gives guidelines about looking for, collecting, treatment of fossils etc. thus aiming to preserve the rich fossil heritage of Scotland.

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